Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Heart of Christmas (Days 43-44)

I started this blog after Christmas of 2010.  It was a glorious time of rest, peace, sharing and blessing.  I wanted to capture that feeling and live in that moment a little everyday.  I pray that this year I can use this blog for it's originally intended purpose.

In the meantime I pray that you are enjoying the daily choices of music.  I pray that your soul has been stirred and that you've drawn closer to Emmanuel every day approaching the 25th. 

I so desparately want my children to "get" Christmas.  Not the commercialism, bells and whistles, hustle and bustle Christmas, but the peaceful, goodwill to men on Earth, Emmanuel Christmas.  I pray that the way we celebrate/observe this season is a representation of God.  I hope that they are learning that the birth of Jesus is SO much more important than today's "deal of the day" or most exciting new toy.  I pray that as years go by that their "want" lists will grow shorter and their "give" lists will grow longer.  I want my children to rest, relax and soak it all in, instead of doing, going, being. 

Evidently this is a new movie, just released last month. It is based on a true story. Here is the "Heart of Christmas" as sung by Matthew West.

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