We had an incredibly busy weekend. Nathan hates it when there is more than one engagement in a two day period. I try to avoid this kind of scheduling, but this weekend it just couldn't be helped. In one weekend we had a birthday party, a family Christmas party and company that came the next day. We also had planned on attending our church for the "Prayer and Preview" service. We didn't make it last night because we absolutely were beside ourselves. Full of junk food, too little sleep, overloaded with sights, sounds and touch, busy minds, and cluttered hearts we stayed home and tried to finish up the weekend with some rest. Joseph and Jesse each lost a tooth last night. So there were tears also. It was a draining weekend.
Please don't misunderstand me. I am aware that we said "yes" to these engagements. We LOVE our friends and family. It was just a lot of noise, too many people in SMALL spaces, and more than we should have attempted. Joseph cried most of yesterday. His stutter was severe yesterday and Jesse ran a low grade fever most of the day. Nathan let me know ONCE again that he does not want to be this busy. Oh I should mention also that Friday night was date night and finishing up the Christmas shopping. TOO MUCH TO DO!
Every year I say "Next year it will be different." I mean well. I try to plan ahead. I make list and have the best of intentions. Every year though Christmas arrives and I don't have MOST of my list "accomplished". I keep thinking that Christmas just "can't happen" unless I'm finished. Each year God lovingly reminds me that Christmas IS going to happen with or without me, AND He also reminds me that Christmas is happening FOR me, TO me, all around me.
I am a selfish, sinful person and I need to be reminded of the beauty, wonder, awe and majesty of Christmas. I am fully convinced that Christmas is NOT supposed to be like my last weekend was. He came that I might have peace, not so I can fit in a catnap between engagements/parties, etc.
Tomorrow night I have the opportunity to ponder on joy. Celebrate Recovery is continuing our advent celebration and there will be almost an hour of music/worship. My heart needs this. My soul NEEDS to connect to Christmas. Speaking of music...here are yesterday's and today's videos. Blessings to you.
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