Thursday, December 30, 2010

Days 362 and 361

So life gets in the way sometimes of

However, what I experienced Tuesday fits in wonderfully with this blog so I'll use it as material.   I was blessed with the opportunity to be a support person for Sarah and Justin as she gave birth to Elah Moriah Massey.  It was incredibly humbling experience.  It is extremely personal to be with someone as they go through that much pain and have many things they face as they bring a child into the world.  Sarah did a magnificent job and Elah is just AMAZING.  I haven't been able to spend nearly enough time with her, but we DO have a lifetime so I'll share :-)

So here we are still in the liturgical season of Christmas and I'm watching a woman give birth.  Having been pregnant on two different Christmas' ('00 and '03) I remember the feeling of "relating" to Mary.  We as women do have the ability to empathize with Mary on a certain level.  Yet, our own imaginings can't BEGIN to come close to her experience.  How can I relate to being EXTREMELY pregnant and riding on a donkey for days to go to a town I've probably never been to just so I can pay taxes????  How can I relate to being impregnated by the Holy Spirit?  Could I possibly have a connection to Mary knowing that she was bringing forth the Savior of the world and I have brought forth five of the reasons He came? 

*****Side Note**** Once in the grocery store a nice lady commented on JoyAnn and Jesse how precious they were.  Her words about my three small children were "Don't they remind you there's a God?" to which I responded "Yes and they also remind me that there's a sin nature!!!".  :-) It had been one of those days...LOL

Realistically, rationally, honestly although I have experienced the pain of labor I have NO clue as to what Mary went through.  Just watching Sarah I couldn't even relate.  I have NEVER had to be induced.  I have no idea how strong contractions are on pitocin.  I also have never experienced back labor.  Each birthing experience is unique, beautiful, and special.  I will (as long as God allows) remember what I saw in that birthing room.  Watching a delivery and being a support person is vastly different from giving birth yourself.  I am grateful to have shared this most intimate experience with the Massey family.

Luke 2:16-19 “So they came in a hurry and found their way to Mary and Joseph, and the baby as He lay in the manger. When they had seen this, they made known the statement which had been told them about this Child. And all who heard it wondered at the things which were told them by the shepherds. But Mary treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart.”

I think this is one way that I can relate to Mary.  I too have such wonderfully rich and deep memories of the births of my children.  Yes my "story" is different.  I have had one unmedicated delivery where I labored in the water and I've had two c-sections.  However, I treasure thoses moments and they days surrounding my births.  How blessed and "highly favored" we ALL are as women to experience childbirth.

Long post so I'll let this one count for two that ok?

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