Tuesday, December 27, 2011

On the Second Day of Christmas

So today is the second day of Christmas and I'm grateful that I don't have a partridge or a pear tree in my home.  Our house is TOO full as it is.  Once again, another year goes by and we gave AND received TOO much.  It's embarassing really.  A toy tornado swept through our house and we are in total disarray.  We are bagging up broken toys, games with missing pieces, puzzles with missing pieces, etc. to throw away.  We are giving away toys, stuffed animals and unread books.  It's a good feeling, but somehow it's not enough.  My house is a wreck and I pray it returns to it's semi organized state SOON!!!

So enough of that rabbit trail.  Two turtle doves...here is some interesting facts about the turtle dove.  I wanted to share it with you today.

Doves are a common symbol for love and peace, two Christmas themes. Turtle doves are a common species of dove found in France and England and they were often kept in cages as pets during the Middle Ages and earlier. There are a number of references to doves in the Bible. Turtle doves also migrate to warmer climates in winter and their re-appearance heralds the approach of spring. The turtle dove is species that mates for life, so the giving of two turtle doves could be a way the lover is expressing his intention of love and marriage.

In the Middle Ages and Renaissance England it was common to celebrate the full Christmas season with parties, feasts and the giving of gifts during the twelve days of Christmas. In this carol we see the giving of gifts, references to food that would be included in the feasts and the courting that surely went on as the coming together of large groups of people, especially young and single men and women, provided the perfect opportunity to seek one's future mate.
While the other six birds sung about in the first seven stanzas of this song probably ended up on the table as one of the meat courses, the turtle doves would have been delivered to one's lover live and in a cage to be kept as pets for enjoyment. In selecting these particular birds, and a pair at that, the lover probably also intended them as a daily reminder of his desire to become a couple with his true love.

What a beautiful thought a gift for your love representing your commitment for life.  I am blessed to have a lover that is faithful to the covenant promise that he made to God and to me.  We are turtle doves.  I pray that as the season of Christmas continues that I can show Nathan my undying love and that I can reassure his heart that I am his, completely and forever. 

I'm still celebrating and I hope you are too.  Here's to a love that's made possible only because of Jesus.

Merry Christmas,


Sunday, December 25, 2011

It's Here, It's Here, It's Christmas

Two years ago I had two of my children in the hospital, in the NICU, growing, resting, eating and learning to maintain their own body temperature.  I was sore, tired and overwhelmed from my C-section just five days earlier.  I felt torn between three kids at home and my new babies in the hospital.  Christmas came and went and I hardly remember ANY of it.  We were living out of boxes at my mother's house since we were in the middle of a move.  It wasn't pleasant, but the kids enjoyed the "holiday" room and had a fabulous Christmas thanks to MeMaw, DadDad, other family members and the love of a home church that played "Santa" for our kids.

Last year was peaceful, pleasant and COVERED with snow.  It was magical really.  I didn't think it could be topped.  We were blessed ONCE again by a church that decided to sponsor our family.  This was extrememly helpful because it was our first year trying to buy for five kids.  Presents flooded the living room.  It was almost embarassing really.  Love displayed in boxes, bows and wrapping.  We were careful to tell our children that the church had done all of this.  We want them to learn to be grateful.  Resting, talking, laughing, playing in the snow.  It was a very special day.

Today has been a wonderful day.  Having two, two year olds at Christmas is a joy. I had forgotten how much fun it could be, really to tell you the truth.  Although poor Nathan spent almost one hour straight taking toys out of boxes (those twist ties get ya), putting in batteries, etc. , he was such a good sport.  We have power tools, we have cars and trucks, there are tricycles, a skateboard, video games...oh the list goes on and on and on.  Once again, I am humbled at the help we received, blessed by the outpouring of love and thrilled that my children could receive almost ALL of what they requested. 

We are teaching them that three presents is what Jesus got, so it is MORE than enough for them.  I know that we aren't exactly sure how many gifts He received.  I also know that the Wise Men did not come to the manger to present their offering.  We read the Christmas story with the children annually and we try to prepare their hearts during Advent.  There are songs sung, movies watched, stories read so that they might know of God's love for them, that He sent His only Son to be born on Christmas.  Yes, I'm aware that Jesus' birth most likely was not in December.  I'm aware of all the inaccuracies and myths.  I'm also aware of the love, joy and peace that surround December 25th.  I am aware that some families don't recognize/support Santa.  Our family however does.  I know it won't last too many more years, but for now I treasure the joy of watching thier faces light up on Christmas morning knowing that someone brought these treasured gifts FOR THEM.  We have taught them that ALL of this is possible only because of Jesus.  They know that the only reason we give and receive gifts is to emmulate the gift of Jesus.  We have a birthday party for Jesus and we talk about how we can give him our hearts, our wills and our lives. 

Today as we found homes for all of new "bounty" we also gave toys away.  Something new comes in, something old goes out.  We sorted through and threw broken toys away.  We bagged up the "give aways".  We even did that with the outside toys.  It was wonderful.  The children know that they need to share of their blessings.  We practice this year round (birthdays, when other gifts come into the house).  I am always blessed when I see what they choose to share.  Although I must admit it always challenges me, because I am faced once again with the fact that we as Americans are spoiled.  We own too much, eat too much, spend too much, whine too much, etc.  I am praying that in this New Year that I can continue to learn how to "Live simply and give extravagantly".  I want our home to be filled with love, laughter, peace, not STUFF.  I am a work in process, so my parenting is still growing, changing, developing.  I'm teaching my kids and we love learning together. 

There will be more presents later today, more family, more sweets and cookies, more love, more laughs, more hugs.  In the midst of all of the more...I'm learning to be content with LESS.  I want less of me and more of HIM.  I want to receive less and give more.  I want to eat less, weigh less, own less, OWE less, drive less, watch t.v. less, speak loudly or unkindly less, procrastinate less....get the picture????!!!!

Here's one of my ALL TIME FAVS to help us all celebrate Christmas.  Blessings to you and yours wherever you are reading this from.

Merry Christmas.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

Christmas is tomorrow! I pray that the Breath of Heaven would peacfully come down into your world today. Love and grace to you all.

Friday, December 23, 2011

It's Almost Christmas and I'm Over It Already....

This song is SOOOOOO appropriate. I ended up having to go to TWO malls yesterday. Not fun, but "necessary"???? That's debatable at best. I was so stressed. It was pouring rain, trying to get five kids into the house. I slipped and fell and hurt my wrist and ankle AND my daughter fell too. So..now I have mud covered clothes and I'm sore and she's sore. All for what??? A visit to "Santa" and some presents we couldn't afford? There were some sweet moments yesterday also, but I sure hope that next year is different.

I wish I was on a sleigh that was taking me away from here. Today I WANT to be away from my five kids, my messy house, my busy life. I'm not in a GREAT mood, but I still love Christmas. Praying I can find peace in all of this.

A family fav "The Polar Expres"...here's "Hot Chocolate".

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Winter Song

Today is the Winter Solstice the shortest day of the year.  It's been dreary, gray and gloomy.  So here's a song that might brighten your day.  Two lovely voices.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Jesus (oh and James and Jonathan)

Today my youngest sons turn two. Happy Birthday James Paul and Jonathan Israel Flint. Born at 33 weeks on December 20, 2009 they completed our family. Blessed that they were born at 4 lbs. 10 oz. and 4 lbs. 11 oz., they only had to stay in NICU for 16 days. They were so tiny when we brought them home. So much different from having an almost nine pounder (Joseph) or even my almost seven pounders (Jesse and JoyAnn). They spent their first Christmas in NICU. Still on oxygen and biliblankets they had a warm tropical Christmas. 

What was Jesus' first Christmas like?  He wasn't born in a hospital with all the "conveniences" of modern civilization.  Mary didn't have the chance to have breakfast brought to her on a tray.  She couldn't choose which channel to watch on the t.v.  She didn't have to worry about visiting hours.  The only visitors she had were shepherds.  I don't know if I would have reacted so positively to stinky, smelly people in my room wanting to hold my newborn babes.  Not Mary, she was THRILLED to know that the Savior of the world was already being worshipped by those He came to save. 

Happy Birthday Jesus.  I pray that my gift to you will be one of a contrite spirit, a repentant heart and a submissive will.  I come today to offer you my best...my all...my life. 

I hope that you have a wonderful Christmas and that Emmanuel touches you in a special way. 

Here are some pics of my little guys for you to enjoy...

Happy Birthday Jesus

Monday, December 19, 2011

Is Christmas Really Supposed to be Like This?

We had an incredibly busy weekend.  Nathan hates it when there is more than one engagement in a two day period.  I try to avoid this kind of scheduling, but this weekend it just couldn't be helped.  In one weekend we had a birthday party, a family Christmas party and company that came the next day.  We also had planned on attending our church for the "Prayer and Preview" service.  We didn't make it last night because we absolutely were beside ourselves.  Full of junk food, too little sleep, overloaded with sights, sounds and touch, busy minds, and cluttered hearts we stayed home and tried to finish up the weekend with some rest.  Joseph and Jesse each lost a tooth last night.  So there were tears also.  It was a draining weekend. 

Please don't misunderstand me.  I am aware that we said "yes" to these engagements.  We LOVE our friends and family.   It was just a lot of noise, too many people in SMALL spaces, and more than we should have attempted.  Joseph cried most of yesterday.  His stutter was severe yesterday and Jesse ran a low grade fever most of the day.  Nathan let me know ONCE again that he does not want to be this busy.  Oh I should mention also that Friday night was date night and finishing up the Christmas shopping.  TOO MUCH TO DO! 

Every year I say "Next year it will be different."  I mean well.  I try to plan ahead.   I make list and have the best of intentions.  Every year though Christmas arrives and I don't have MOST of my list "accomplished".  I keep thinking that Christmas just "can't happen" unless I'm finished.  Each year God lovingly reminds me that Christmas IS going to happen with or without me, AND He also reminds me that Christmas is happening FOR me, TO me, all around me. 

I am a selfish, sinful person and I need to be reminded of the beauty, wonder, awe and majesty of Christmas.  I am fully convinced that Christmas is NOT supposed to be like my last weekend was.  He came that I might have peace, not so I can fit in a catnap between engagements/parties, etc. 

Tomorrow night I have the opportunity to ponder on joy.  Celebrate Recovery is continuing our advent celebration and there will be almost an hour of music/worship.  My heart needs this.  My soul NEEDS to connect to Christmas.  Speaking of music...here are yesterday's and today's videos.  Blessings to you.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Laura Story is in my humble opinion one of the most pure, gifted voices in Contemporary Christian Music. Here is a song that I'm sure most people haven't heard. She doesn't get as much "air time" on our local station as others. Sweet, simple, unadulterated...enjoy Emmanuel.

Friday, December 16, 2011

God is with US (All of Us)

In the midst of our pain, joy, tears, happiness, fears, growth, strength, weakness, pride, sin, praise, love...HE is with us.  I pray that this Christmas you know Immanuel is with YOU!!!  If you want to know about Jesus, please ask me.  I would love to share what He means to me and how he has changed my life.  Merry Christmas. 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Today my heart cries out to Emmanuel.  My heart and mind race with raw emotion.  I feel completely used up, beaten down and rejected.  Too much left to do, not enough time, money, or energy to complete the tasks.  I lack peace.  I am missing the excitement that this season brings.  Joy eludes me today.  Is there hope for me?  Can I find my way to the manger in time? 

Yes, I believe my heart CAN find Christmas in time.  It is music such as this song that speak to me and help me to realize that the Prince of Peace was born for me.  He came to earth that I might be set free from the prison of fear, worry, sadness, rejection and strife.  As I continue to seek Him, I can be "Still, Still, Still" in the journey. 

Merry Christmas dear ones...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Heart of Christmas (Days 43-44)

I started this blog after Christmas of 2010.  It was a glorious time of rest, peace, sharing and blessing.  I wanted to capture that feeling and live in that moment a little everyday.  I pray that this year I can use this blog for it's originally intended purpose.

In the meantime I pray that you are enjoying the daily choices of music.  I pray that your soul has been stirred and that you've drawn closer to Emmanuel every day approaching the 25th. 

I so desparately want my children to "get" Christmas.  Not the commercialism, bells and whistles, hustle and bustle Christmas, but the peaceful, goodwill to men on Earth, Emmanuel Christmas.  I pray that the way we celebrate/observe this season is a representation of God.  I hope that they are learning that the birth of Jesus is SO much more important than today's "deal of the day" or most exciting new toy.  I pray that as years go by that their "want" lists will grow shorter and their "give" lists will grow longer.  I want my children to rest, relax and soak it all in, instead of doing, going, being. 

Evidently this is a new movie, just released last month. It is based on a true story. Here is the "Heart of Christmas" as sung by Matthew West.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Feeling a little under the Weather (Days 40-42)

I had a good weekend, but I did not have time to blog.  Now I'm under the weather and trying desparately not to drown under the weight of it all.  So for those of you that might take the time to pray, would you pray for our little family?  Of course between now and Christmas I have several singing engagements, parties, etc. and I feel like a small truck hit me.  There is a cold AND stomach virus going through our house simultaneously.  The gifts that keep on giving.  :-)  Enough of my complaining.  Here's some music.

An older, more mature version of Sting, but WONDERFUL nonetheless. I like his voice and like the song. Merry Christmas

Little Michael Jackson singing "I Saw Mommmy Kissing Santa Claus". Why??? Who knows, just for fun I guess.

This song/video entertains and creeps me out simultaneously. My daughter asked if David Bowie was a girl...lol. I do appreciate two very different genres mixing for the sake of Christmas and Peace on Earth. I value the new and the old. That's what Christmas is about. Emmanuel came for us ALL.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Day 39 (You're Here)

Francesca Battistelli has an anointed voice and this song is a precious reminder that God "could have left us on our own", but He sent Emmanuel. Merry Christmas to whomever might read these meager ramblings. Blessings to you.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Day 38 (Christmas Makes Me Cry)

Christmas can be VERY hard on some people. This song speaks to that. Also, Christmas can bring tears of joy, hope and wonder. I pray that you experience the presence of God in a new and beautiful way this year.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day 37 (Away in a Manger)

This precious lullaby always makes me a little "misty eyed". Think of Jesus, God in flesh, laying in a manger. It's too much for us to think of isn't it? We are so blessed! Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Day 36 (Heaven's Child)

A simple, sweet song about the child that changed the world! Enjoy Heaven's Child by the Martins.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Day 34 and 35 (The Night that Christ Was Born) and (Do You Hear What I Hear)

A beautiful contemporary dance interpretation of Kirk Franklin's "The Night that Christ Was Born". Merry Christmas

You can't go wrong with some "old school" Whitney Houston. Here's Do You Hear What I Hear. Enjoy.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Day 33 (Last Christmas)

Doesn't this remind you of shopping at the mall or Walmart and all the cheesy "muzak" you hear this time of year? No matter how hard you try to resist, you can't, you give in and before you know it you're singing along with George Michael. Oh and you gotta love these 1984 hairdos and outfits. What a hoot!!! Happy Christmas and if we pass each other at CVS, the grocery store or somewhere else while singing this song, I promise I'll just smile.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Day 32 (All I Really Want)

I have a soft spot in my heart for adoption. We were a foster family for Bethany Christian Services for 8 1/2 years. In that time we had 28 kids. Tyler my brother was adopted on his first birthday, but we had been his family since he was 21 days old.

As a believer in Christ and follower of Him I understand adoption as well. I have been chosen by Him and adopted into His family. What a gift. This song by Steven Curtis Chapman is sweet and a reminder that we need to pray for families to be united all over the world. Prayerfully consider fostering/adopting. Blessings to you.

Merry Christmas,

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Day 31 (Silver Bells)

24 Days until Christmas.  :-)  Here's a classic from Bing Crosby and Carol Richards...Silver Bells.

I hope you are having a warm, blessed and safe Christmas season.